
This is how we are wired. ND is epigenetic.

How your genes work can change because of what you do or what happens to you. For example, if you smoke, some of your genes may turn off or on. These changes do not change your DNA, but they can affect how your body works.

How your genes work can also change without changing your DNA. For example, some chemicals can attach to your DNA and make some genes more or less active. These changes can sometimes be passed on to your children or grandchildren.

Those of us who are Neurodivergent do not have anything 'wrong' with us. We are the way nature intended. Why? We experience our capabilities in the same way as the animal world. The are our abilities to problem solve using a wide range of dynamic approaches. Using these gives us that Dopamine hit we need so desperately. We also tend to pair up with people who are like us ensuring that there will be another generation of neurodivergent Humans to Problem Solve whatever challenges humans have to face!